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Roaming streets of dehradun found out various things the city is famous for and nearby areas that are tourist destination.

Searching for a project to work on found various vehicles and products people are using had an eye over expensive vehicles and things people think big about. A Tricycle rider struggle somehow got our  attention made us feel emphathetic about the product, not much could have been done earlier, talking to them, riding the tricycle and thinking about them whole day gave us lot of Innovative Ideas.

Redefining the Way 
Task is done

Tricycle is a pedal driven mode of delivery vehicle. Delivery of goods from individual stores or industrial factories have been going for decades.Users belong to weaker section of the society they have spent thier maximum in entering this trade .

A retrofitted tricycle does not do justice for this segment.They are risking lot in this profession which is not being taken into consideration all the years.

Improvement in this segment will bring good days in future trade  and other task associated with it.

Men pulling heavy loads of carpet

Our Journey So Far


Started work on Tricycle

We started with research work for the product, collected information about the product and whole last mile delivery industry operation as we saw a opportunity not only the product but the whole last mile delivery industry.


Completed 3D modeling the whole product along with Ev version of it, made innovation to the product. 2021 Applied patent, 2022 recieved design registration of product. 2023 formed a Startup to provide last mile delivery solutions, currently working on future models.


"Innovative and Economical vehicles to low income group not earning enough,
still buying vehicles(tricycle , e- rickshaw) that are expensive and diffcult to work with."

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Mob: 9833034035

110005, 11 block basement,

Upes bidholi campus,Dehradun 248007.


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